Horse Racing Blog Posts on June 17, 2015
Dirt and Synthetic Race Track Maintenace
Posted by Dave "Daily Double" Wildermuth on 6/17/15 8:12 PM
Posted by Dave "Daily Double" Wildermuth on 6/17/15 8:12 PM
In the United States, a majority of the horse tracks are either composed of dirt or synthetic material. In other country, grass race tracks are the common which provide more cushion for the horses. Dirt will compact over time of use and create a hard surface. Weather, temperature, and age can greatly impact the overall track conditions. Today's blog will focus on the maintenance procedures of Dirt & Synthetic Race Tracks.
Video games helped traditional and action sports grow into even more profitable businesses. From the popular Madden Series, Tony Hawk Pro Skater, to the classics like Baseball Stars, Mike Tyson's Punch Out & Ice Hockey, video games helped build these sports brands and grow the demographics focusing on the youth. But what about horse racing video games you may ask? Do they exist? In short, yes, they do... Maybe you want to find a way to get your child into the sport of horse racing in a creative and indirect way? Today's blog will focus on my top 5 horse racing video games.