Horse Memes

Contributed By Dave "Daily Double" Wildermuth
Posted on 6/23/15 9:28 AM

Horse racing is an amazing sport to watch and follow. There are so many layers of information you can educate yourself about. Today's blog will focus on the lighter side of our amazing four legged animals.

I Love This Post

Me to.. I think the "Karate Kid," used that same post to train for his famous kick!

Let You Know I Was Stopping

Tell me this doesn't remind you of Chris Tuckers Famous, "You got knocked the F*ck out" scene in Friday. If you have never seen it, here it is for your viewing pleasure:

C'mon Son - Quit Foaling Around

Clever play on words on this one! (plus an amazing image)

OTTB Mowing the Lawn

Who needs a lawnmower when you have this beauty! Talk about Green Energy!

Nobody Knows Horse Power

Why go to a mechanic when you can go straight to the horse power source!

Do you have any interesting Memes? Please post in the comment section.

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